Thursday, May 8, 2008

escape from nature

as lovely as spring is here, we are ready to escape all the blossoming crab apples and lilacs; to cease planting lettuce, radishes, spinach, and carrots; give up pruning the persistent box elders; stop pulling out the garlic mustard (surely the invasive plant of the week). not to say cutting the grass and ripping out crabgrass from the neglected perennial borders.

enough already. we're off to new york for a long weekend of seeing friends and being exposed to high culture.

but i wouldn't want to deny you the pleasure of the wildflower of the week: jack-in-the-pulpit (Arisaema triphyllum). it's hard not to think of georgia o'keefe when these appear back in the swamp. there are male and female flowers. this one is male.

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