Monday, May 5, 2008

apologies, updates, this and that

my apologies for the annoying layout on the previous wildflowers post, with the type all poetically arranged down the column. like several other layout features, i can't seem to change it. in edit mode, there is a button you can click to see a "preview" of your post and it doesn't look at all like that. typically, blogger "help" is no help. the most time-consuming aspect of this all is getting the photos organized.

next, about the barn collapse across the road (see "ethical decision-making" in april). a few days after i called the township, there was a visible clean-up of some of the scattered debris and more yellow caution tape was installed. whether or not this has anything to do with the phone call, and whether or not they have taught the horses to read, i don't know. the three walls are still standing. thanks to those of you who urged me to call.

the winner of the photo i.d. contest, susan higman larsen, has not yet decided what she wants for her prize; we eagerly await her decision. one of the honorable mentions, sally smith, has now made a request, and it will soon be posted. it may not have a photo, the subject being something from the depths of the past, although not pre-daguerre. and you other honorable mentions: any ideas?

thanks for reading and since the photos are so popular, i'll close with one: marsh marigolds at kensington metro park. if you click on the image it becomes huge, or at least it does on my mac.

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