Monday, September 15, 2008


paradessence, a new word to me. here it is applied to sarah palin, from the website infinite thought:

"palin is a paradessence, and hence a wildly popular commodity, because she combines the family-centeredness of the ideal suburban mom with the ruthlessness of a corporate 'warrior' in the dog-eat-dog neoliberal economy or of a hard/core ideologue/foot soldier for the far right."

a paradessence, branding and marketing people say, is essential for selling a product, exploiting the paradoxical contradictory parts that lie within, finding two opposing desires that can be simultaneously satisfied. an example is coffee: a stimulant, but in starbucks, a relaxing agent; harley-davison riders who are wild, free, and independent but ride in packs; mcdonalds that suggests friendliness but is impersonal, cold and sterile.

i think everyone is ready to move away from obsessing about sarah palin and on to the real issues and real candidates. i certainly am. wall street is really scary today.

but it is interesting to think of examples of paradessence in successful products. any suggestions?

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