Friday, April 18, 2008

wildflowers of the week

friday again and time for a new post. i get a lot of feedback (via emails and in person, but it would be heartwarming to read a comment every now and then, ahem) about how folks like to see photos on the blog. since we've had a few warm days, the native wildflowers have just started to cooperate with my wildflower(s) of the week plan.

spring beauties (Claytonia caroliniana Michx)

the first bloodroot (Sanguinaria canadensis)

others will be coming into bloom for the next month or so. the various species grow in the undisturbed bits of woodland and i like to think of how long they've been there. centuries? millenia? more? since the glaciers retreated 10,000 years or so ago?

in response to a few questions, yes, the sandhill cranes are back from florida (as they have been doing since the glaciers melted, according to the audubon society), and yes, the goldfish have come up from deep. the chorus frogs and spring peepers have been calling and the bluebirds are working on nests in two of the boxes and the male redwing blackbirds are squabbling over territory.

and yes, i felt the earthquake that was centered in illinois this morning. i happened to be awake at 6:30, brooding over what to post on the blog, when i felt the bed shake slightly about four times. jm didn't believe me until we saw the headline in the free press. that's the third earthquake i've felt in michgan. i guess it doesn't count as a sign of spring.

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