an unlikely mix of academikish adults have gathered at the ann arbor public library. we are volunteers for a special project on women's history month, involving 120 4th and 5th grade kids. they haven't come yet. several of us express a certain level of anxiety about working with kids this age, but at the moment we are engaged in distributing sheets of colored paper, crayons, and scissors on tables in the large "all-purpose" room.
i pick up on a conversation in progress.
earnest english professor, long hair, black skirt: "Of course Lacan is a terrible sexist pig, but it's interesting that his theories can be turned around to explain some aspects of women's creativity."
hip social work grad student, shaved head: "Have you read Slavoj Zizek?"
she: "No, who is that?"
he: "A Slovenian philosopher. Very interesting on Lacan."
beautifully made-up young african-american woman: "I'm Slovenian."
me: "How do you spell his name?"
he: "S-l-a-v-o-j Z-i-z-e-k, with some accents."
i wrote it down with a purple crayon on a scrap of orange construction paper. i like names with two 'z's' in them.
at home i emailed my philosophy professor friend: "What about Slavoj Zizek?"
her speedy reply: "He is a very famous philosopher, who is fairly important for philosophers working in particular continental contexts. He's pretty radical -- you'd probably like him!"
indeed, Slavoj Zizek is all over the internet. i can't work out how to produce the correct accents.
my superficial knowledge of philosophy is growing every day.
Dominican Republic
Our Leader Jason Making It Look Easy On Day One
I am currently on a whitewater trip in the Dominican Republic. Somewhat
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15 years ago
Your philosophy professor friend is honored to be mentioned on your frogblog (more than once even!). Regarding Zizek, although I have not read or studied him much, from what I gather, he is pretty damned interesting, with some crazy philosophical and political ideas. And btw, many philosophers -- even comtemporary ones -- are "sexist pigs," including me! The trick is to be one in a philosophically justified and polite way! Ha! Now one has to figure out whether I've told the truth, as Kant, without exception, would say that I must!
Here are comments on several of your blogs (being of a generation that doesn't check them regularly):
About Lacan: Isn't there are story about Lacan going to interview Salvador Dali. Dali greets him at the door with a small piece of paper taped to the end of his nose. And then I don't remember what happens....I think Dali asks Lacan, "Don't you want to analyze me?" and Lacan says, " It's not your unconscious mind that interests me; in your case it's your conscious one." (Please, anyone, correct this story as needed!)
About friendships of the good: I thought it was the proverbial amount of BRANDY, not salt. Julia, maybe we can switch to margaritas and get salt with our liquor. Not to worry, though. We have long passed the good friendship test.
About cute: Yes, the baby possum is adorable, but he/she can't hold a candle to Tamara. What a doll!
About the blogger: All New York awaits your arrival!
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