Sunday, April 6, 2008

we both said we wouldn't do it on the blog

i went in to shaman drum bookstore, hoping to find karl pohrt so that i could congratulate him again on the recent enriching symposium held at the university of michigan in his honor, and there he was. demurring, humble as always, he changed the subject and enthusiastically told me that he has started a blog.

"me too," of course. in a flash we were down in the cavernous dark unfinished basement of the store (such a contrast to the attractive decor above), comparing blogs on his laptop.

"i told myself i wouldn't put photos of the grandkids on the blog," karl said, "but i bought this cute little outfit for natalie when i was in china...and one for max too..."

yes, had i told myself the same thing. i want my blog to be well, more literary, less chatty and domestic. but some of my faithful readers have asked for photos of tamara...what can a blogmistress do? i want the faithful to keep coming back for more.

do by all means do check out karl's blog for good commentary, book reviews, and more.

and here tamara is on march 30, age 3 1/2. jeremy is telling her that she mustn't take sand toys away from little kids.

[the fact that you see this photo at the bottom of the page means that i have figured out how to move 'em around]

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