what with everything going on in my world, i haven't written in this blog for quite a while. i'm in san jose, after a few days is LA last week, and am trying to be helpful with tamara and the household, as jeremy is back to work and aekyong still a bit sore. did i mention that bennett edward wise was born on march 3? he was, 8 lbs 2 oz., and is an exemplary baby, calm and easily contented. but the real problem that keeps me from writing is facebook. it takes me just enough away from blogging; reading everyone's updates and trying to think of what i might want to say, what photos to download, and pondering whether or not to give it up and just use it to post photos.
here are some odds and ends that i've been thinking about: bennie looks so much like jeremy that it's uncanny. fortunately aekyong is quite sure that she is his mom. tamara is doing well on the whole, and tomorrow she goes to her 'sibling welcome workshop.' i am amazed at how much bennie has changed in just a week. at first he was eating and sleeping, eating and sleeping, and now he is eating, looking around at the world for a while, and sleeping. a very good baby. a keeper, as my father used to say.
aekyong says that when she was a child in korea, she went with her aunties and cousins into the forest to gather pine needles for kindling and mushrooms to sell in the market. now everyone cooks and heats with gas or oil, so the pine needles are very thick on the ground and the mushrooms have been choked out.
last week, aekyong's sister was here and did a lot of cooking and freezing of korean food. one of aekyong's favorites is a combination of yam stems and fern stems. each takes so long to soak and to prepare that she won't share more than a taste with me. now i know what some of the things in korean cuisine that resemble sticks are. fortunately, aekyong is willing to share her sister's excellent chap chae.
a mourning dove is nesting in the pollarded mulberry in the back yard. we saw the pair making the nest two days ago, and now they are alternating sitting on the eggs (usually two) which will hatch in about two weeks. i hope tamara will be able to see the baby birds. the lemon tree in the back yard is producing bushels of lemons for jeremy to take to work. i am teaching aekyong the arcane art of making lemonade. along the los gatos creek walking trail, california poppies, and lupines are blooming and almost all the trees starting to leaf out and apple blossoms and cherry blossoms coming along.
i like california and i'm happy to be here for a while. here's tamara with newborn bennie: