so many apples to pick, so many leaves to admire; so many walnuts to drive over (not pictured); so much worry about the financial situation; so much discouraging local politicking to do; so many hopes for obama.
so much going on: beautiful fall weather making staying inside difficult; so much to write, between a monday writing workshop and a wednesday existentialism class where i am keeping an 'existential' journal as a project, and then there's my everyday journal. another trip to california in late september and visiting college friends for our biennial hoedown. and so the blog has been neglected.
however, i have a plan for posting day tomorrow, thanks to the urging of faithful followers who have complained of nothing to read.
meanwhile i offer you this thought from Heidigger (from Being and Time) to ponder:
Da-sein is a being that does not simply occur among other beings. rather it is ontically distinguished by the fact that in its being this being is connected about its very being. thus it is constitutive of the being of Da-sein to have, in its very being a relation of being to this being.
now that i am advancing in age, i can happily enjoy reading such things. philosophy used to frighten me. but it is so interesting, as a good friend of mine is inclined to say. maybe Gertrude Stein got it from Heidigger.